About Me

I'm a Master's student studying Computer Science at UC Berkeley, advised by professor Björn Hartmann. I previously completed a double major of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley. I'm interested in Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, and applications of Generative AI in virtual worlds.


Theory of Human Tetrachromatic Color Experience and Printing

Genetic studies indicate that more than 50% of women are genetically tetrachromatic, expressing four distinct types of color photoreceptors (cone cells) in the retina. At least one functional tetrachromat has been identified in laboratory tests. We hypothesize that there is a large latent group in the population capable of fundamentally richer color experience, but we are not yet aware of this group because of a lack of tetrachromatic colors in the visual environment. This paper develops theory and engineering practice for fabricating tetrachromatic colors and potentially identifying tetrachromatic color vision in the wild.

Paper Homepage

XR content authoring at runtime

My current research focuses on the intersection of XR and LLMs. The ability for language models to create content at runtime has exciting implications for a variety of XR applications, and I'm currently working on using dynamic semantic scene graphs to bridge the gap between 3d virtual spaces and natural language.

Beyond-Real interactions in VR

I'm working on several projects related to beyond-real interactions in virtual reality. I tend to focus on interaction signifiers, and on multi-body interactions (where the user controls both their 1st person virtual body and 1+ 3rd person bodies at the same time). The gif (and the linked video) shows an example where 2 additional bodies (one small, one big) are used to enable interacting with an enviroment at multiple scales.

Video Link


Computational design tools can automatically generate large quantities of viable designs for a given design problem. This raises the challenge of how to enable designers to efficiently and effectively evaluate and select preferred designs from a large set of alternatives. In GeneratiVR, we present two novel interaction techniques to address this challenge, by leveraging Virtual Reality for rich, spatial user input. With these interaction methods, users can directly manipulate designs or demonstrate desired design functionality. The interactions allow users to rapidly filter through an expansive design space to specify or find their preferred designs.

ACM Digital Library Video


Android virtualization software can be a powerful tool for app development, but it can also be exploited for malicious purposes. During my time on the Anti-Virtualization research project led by Eleonora Losiouk, I conducted a review of prior work to create a taxonomy of known virtualization-based malwares and attacks for Android, built Gradle scripts for virtualizing malwares and assessing their detectability by commercial antivirus apps, and used Bash, Gradle, and Python scripts to create an semi-automated system for identifying virtualization-based malwares from virus databases, allowing for more in-depth analysis.




BlossomVR is a Virtual Reality meditation app that allows users to process their emotions through short minigames. Find it on the Meta App Lab!

App Lab


TutoriVR is a robust and deployable VR-embedded tutorial system that supplements video tutorials with 3D and contextual aids directly in the user's VR environment, based on the TutoriVR research study.

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Class Projects

Things I've done for school!

Roman Candles

Fireworks are cool. Creating a custom raytraced smoke rendering system that can handle an arbitrary number of light sources was tough but that's ok because fireworks are cool. Made for my Foundations of Computer Graphics class.

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A short adventure game about the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. It has random maze generation, wall-walking, a full dialog system, and spooky vibes! Made for my Greek and Roman Myths class.

Play it on itch.io

Whale Snake

A simple 3D-snake game I made for the Berkeley chapter of the Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science honors society. The club mascot is a whale, hence the whales.

Play it on itch.io

Personal Projects

Things I've done of my own volition!

Super Mine Sweeper

Changing the topology of the surface you play minesweeper has various interesting effects on gampeplay and strategy, which turns this gimmick into an interesting gimmick!

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Keleidoscope Raymarch

This project uses a custom raymarching shader and collision detection system to let users "drag a hole around". This was my foray into shader development.

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Ascii Rasterizer

I was curious about how cameras work in computers, so I looked it up online. I made this to make sure I understood correctly. OpenGL might be usefull but ascii is aesthetic.

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VR Space Game

A space dogfighting game made originally for the Google Cardboard and later for the Quest. Pew pew!

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